Tag Oral Health

7 Oct

Amazing Benefits Of Regular Dental Care

Dental Care is one of the most underrated yet significant parts of our overall health. Some of the most common reasons why people often ignore their dental health is because of dental anxiety, cost issues or even hectic schedules. They prefer going to the dentist mostly in case of severe pain that might lead to […]


8 Feb

Is Bottled Water Bad For Your Teeth?

The human body is made up of over 70 per cent water and therefore depends on water to maintain the organs and flush toxins out of the body. But, we all know that.  What some of you might not know is that the fluoride present in your water helps prevent tooth decay and builds strong […]


8 Feb

Effects Of Smoking And Vaping On Oral Health

We have always known that ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. In fact, the cigarette pack comes with a labelled warning itself. However, among many drawbacks of smoking, it mainly initiates gum problems, complications after tooth removal, tooth loss, and surgery in the mouth. With increasing risks, even smokers have switched to vaping in order to […]


18 Nov

Foods for Great Oral Health: 5 to Eat and 5 to Avoid

We tend to feel vulnerable with our comforting foods when there is a celebration, loneliness, or sense of boredom. However, we seem to neglect the fact that the food we eat might significantly affect our oral health. Focusing on the words of François de la Rochefoucauld, a French author, “To eat is a necessity, but […]


1 Oct

What does your mouth tell you about your health?

Did you know that oral problems can affect your body? Yes, dental problems can give rise to other issues in the rest of the body. Oral health also offers clues about the overall health of the entire body.    Through this article, let us find out what is the connection between overall health and oral […]


2 Apr

Everyone Deserves Straight Teeth and a Beautiful Smile

In a human body, confidence, self-esteem and success are seen in beautiful straight teeth smile apart from the poise one carries. Few of us are born with perfectly aligned teeth while few of us have teeth that might lower our confidence and self-esteem. But there is nothing to worry about it much as orthodontics deliver […]


17 Feb

Dental Veneers – 6 Questions Answered For a Brighter Smile

You always tend to make your first impression through your personality, confidence, and of course, by smiling at others. However, several physical and aesthetic dental problems can rob you of your perfectly symmetrical smile.   Restorative aesthetic dentistry has provided us with the most conservative treatment – dental veneers. This least invasive treatment satisfies the […]


6 Jan

5 Essential Elements Your Dental Care Specialist Should Provide

What is dental care? Healthy teeth and optimal dental care contribute remarkably to having good overall health. It is beneficial to take preventive dental checkup regularly at affordable dentists. However, critical dental conditions require complicated procedures and dental care, and require you urgently visit your family dentist.Are you going for cosmetic teeth whitening to mend […]


1 Sep

Energy Drinks: An Acid Trip For Your Teeth

Humans, animals, and many fishes have tooth enamel which is made up of minerals. The tooth enamel, the visible part of teeth, is so hard, in fact, that it is the hardest substance in a body and contains most of the minerals of the body. Sports and energy drinks are two different popular beverages amongst […]


27 Sep

3 Things Your Mouth Can Tell You About Your Health

Did you know that problems with your teeth or gums may hint at deeper health concerns in your body? If you think skipping your regular dental cleaning isn’t a huge deal, you’re wrong. There is a strong correlation between dental health and overall wellness, according to research. Oral problems can begin and progress swiftly, even if you aren’t […]