Energy Drinks: An Acid Trip For Your Teeth

Humans, animals, and many fishes have tooth enamel which is made up of minerals. The tooth enamel, the visible part of teeth, is so hard, in fact, that it is the hardest substance in a body and contains most of the minerals of the body.

Sports and energy drinks are two different popular beverages amongst teenagers and sportspeople. Even though they are different, one thing they have in common is that they both can wreak havoc on your tooth enamel.

Energy drink

Energy drinks are especially harmful to tooth enamel because the type of acid they contain is more concentrated. And bear in mind that your tooth enamel is irreplaceable. Once it is gone, it’s gone forever. Without enamel on your teeth, eating and drinking would be a nightmare. You may also end up removing all your teeth and wearing dentures for the rest of your life.

The acid present in these energy drinks destroys tooth enamel. The high amounts of citric acids and sugar in energy drinks can destroy your teeth at a fast pace. No enamel is going to stand up against that for very long. Prolonged exposure to these acids can cause the minerals in your teeth’s enamel to soften and erode, a process widely known as de-mineralisation.

Why pH Matters?

Acidity in a substance can be measured through the levels of pH (potential for hydrogen). The more acidic a liquid, the lower its pH. Water and milk have a pH of 7.0. Tomato juice has a pH of 4.0. At the same time, lemons have a pH of 2.0. 

And it may come as a surprise, but stomach acid that has a pH of 1.0 is more acidic than the acid in your car’s battery. Most of the energy drinks range in pH from 1.5 to 3.3. For instance, Red Bull has a pH of 3.3. Monster energy has a pH of 2.7. These energy drinks are as corrosive as stomach acid and battery acid. De-mineralization becomes even more prominent when the pH level of the mouth falls below 4.0 into the acidic range.


How Energy Drinks Cause Tooth Decay?

Now, a common question that most people ask is, “How can energy drinks cause tooth decay?” 

The team of Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care has put together a list to show you what the ingredients include which are found in energy drinks.

  1. Caffeine
  2. Guarana
  3. Taurine
  4. Lots of sugar!

Energy drinks are dreadful for your teeth and contain high levels of sugar and acid. While these drinks can cause cavities due to their high sugar and acidity levels, energy drinks may also encourage obesity or diabetes while making your teeth more susceptible to sensitivity and decay. 

Always drink plenty of water to dilute the acid, and don’t brush your teeth straight after consuming an energy drink because it can spread the acid around your mouth. The best solution is to refrain from energy drinks altogether.

If you crave an energy drink, the Rouse Hill Smiles team suggests rinsing your mouth out with water or chewing gum. To avoid the acid spreading on teeth surfaces causing erosion, wait for an hour to brush your teeth after drinking sports and energy drinks.

Natural Alternatives to Energy Drinks 

  1. Green juices and smoothies – Green vegetables such as parsley, kale and spinach can be a good source of vitamin B in your diet. Consider adding them to your green smoothies. You can also opt for fresh fruit juices that will add natural sugar to your diet.
  2. Green tea – Coffee is known for energising an individual and deterring tiredness. However, given its pH level, you can substitute a hot cup of green tea for your coffee. Green tea includes natural traces of caffeine, so it will refresh you naturally while keeping your mouth free of toxins.
  3. Water – This is a beverage that should be consumed every day to fight your low energy levels due to slow metabolic processes. Drinking lots of water is a natural way of keeping your body hydrated and full of energy. 


Are There Any Healthier Ways to Get An Energy Boost?

It goes without saying that no single meal or beverage is the cause of tooth disease or enamel loss. Your vulnerability to tooth erosion and cavities is determined by a number of factors. Your oral hygiene habits, nutrition, lifestyle, and even genetic predisposition are some of the factors that should be considered.

Let’s not forget that there are numerous natural ways to increase your energy.

  1. Exercise on a regular basis.
  2. Make an effort to get to bed a little sooner.
  3. Increase your water intake.
  4. Consume healthy foods.
  5. Keep an optimistic mindset.

But if you feel forced to take one of those energy drinks, what should you do? Well, it should be diluted. After having the energy drink, wait for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth by taking a couple of swigs of water and swishing them about in your mouth to wash out everything. You’ll dilute the acid and cut down on the time it takes for your tongue to return to a more normal pH level. 

Along with the above-mentioned tips, routine dental exams and cleanings are also essential to keep your mouth in check. Visit the Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care to get the assistance of an experienced dentist who will help you achieve optimal dental hygiene.