What to Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal?


09 November 2022

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Many of us have had wisdom teeth removed at some point in our lives, and each procedure varies depending on the individual. 

The wisdom teeth often referred to as the third molars, are the last pair of molars to develop. These teeth are not always kept since they are not essential for a radiant, healthy smile.

In fact, if they don’t develop properly, they may incur harm which leads to the removal of wisdom teeth. By using our professional pointers, you can learn the essential knowledge you need to have while you navigate the whole process.

What to Expect During Surgery?

“What to expect after wisdom teeth removal?” is a common question. Here are some answers to help you feel prepared for your wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Wisdom teeth removal is a minimally invasive surgery, so there is very little pain and no blood or bruising involved in the procedure. 

There are methods present to make wisdom teeth removal more painless, including general anaesthesia and local anaesthesia with or without sedation. However, pain and discomfort may still be experienced during the healing process, particularly after the anaesthesia wears off.

If you experience any swelling or difficulty breathing, contact your dentist immediately.

General Symptoms to Expect the Week Following Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Post wisdom teeth extraction, the majority of patients experience minimal discomfort and only mild symptoms. However, some patients do experience more significant postoperative discomfort. Here are general symptoms to expect over the following several days:

Day 1: Most patients feel a sense of relief and sleep well after their surgery. Although some may experience minor discomfort, most are able to return to their normal routine immediately.

Day 2: You might generally feel a bit more sore than you did on the day of the surgery. If any swelling is present, it gradually decreases over the course of the next few days. 

Most people are able to resume most normal activities by day two, with the exception of heavy lifting or eating foods that cause inflammation. For those who might experience oral pain prior to their surgery, medication may be prescribed to help relieve the pain during the first-week post-op.

Day 3: By day three, most patients should feel somewhat more recovered from the surgery with a reduced level of discomfort. Some light bleeding may still be present, but it should diminish significantly over the next few days.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Even though you might not have a great appetite right after surgery, staying hydrated and eating healthy foods are crucial for recovery. Consider foods that you can easily consume without having to chew them thoroughly as well as those that won’t disturb your stitches or blood clot.

Initially, stick to very soft foods like:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Smoothies
  • Apple sauce
  • Pudding
  • Cottage cheese
  • Soup

However, avoid eating:

  • Excessively hot food can burn the surgical site.
  • Nuts or seeds could get lodged in the space where your wisdom teeth formerly were.

How to Care for Yourself After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you have just had wisdom teeth removed, there are a few things you should do to make sure your recovery goes smoothly. Here are a few tips:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids 

Drink plenty of water, juice or iced tea to help keep your body hydrated. Make sure to avoid coffee, carbonated beverages and alcoholic drinks as they can dehydrate you even more.

  1. Eat healthy snacks 

Try to stay ahead of the hunger pangs by eating healthy snacks like fruits, celery and carrots sticks. Be sure to eat small meals throughout the day instead of one big banquet.

Attempt to avoid drinking cold liquids for a few days as this can increase swelling and pain. Instead, opt for warm beverages or soups. 

  1. Avoid sleeping on your back 

This position can help encourage tooth movement and cause pain. Instead, sleep on your stomach or side for maximum comfort.

  1. Take ibuprofen pills 

If you experience any pain or swelling, take ibuprofen pills as directed by your doctor. Over-the-counter ibuprofen medication is typically enough to relieve symptoms in most cases.

Some of the pointers on what to avoid to aid your recovery also include:

A blood clot that forms in the vacant tooth socket should not be disturbed for 24 hours by spitting, rinsing, or drinking hot beverages (they help the healing process)

For 24 hours, refrain from alcohol and smoking.

For a few days, avoid exercise and intense activity.

It should be noted that you must avoid eating hard or crunchy foods until the healing process is complete. It is also important not to drink large amounts of liquids right after surgery as this could increase the risk of infection. Ice packs can help to reduce swelling and pain.

What Can You Do If Wisdom Teeth Continue to Hurt?

The majority of individuals discover that their discomfort or swelling gradually subsides during the course of the healing process. 

The following are red flags that indicate you should consult your doctor or a professional dentist:

  • Unrestrained pain
  • Having nausea or vomiting and having trouble swallowing liquids or food
  • Any unusual bleeding from the wounds has to be examined.
  • You’re heated and perspiring; a fever or illness could be forming.
  • Once the initial swelling has receded, you experience a new facial swelling.

If you comply with these basic wisdom teeth aftercare recommendations, your wisdom teeth removal treatment will be easy to recover from. Contact us today for more information. 

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