What Happens When Third Molars Get Removed


25 July 2022

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Wisdom teeth are third molars that are barely required by the human race to survive, unlike our ancestors, who needed them to grind their food effectively. Evolution has changed our habits and contradicts the need for these late bloomers that emerge in your mouth at the ages of 17 and 25, which is why a significant percentage of people have stopped developing wisdom teeth. Also, the procedure of removing the third molar or the wisdom teeth is quite common in Australia. But why are the third molars removed? Are they worth removing? And what happens when they are removed? 

The professionals of Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care have come forward with all the possible answers to the questions one might have related to the third molars or the wisdom teeth. 


Why are Wisdom Teeth Removed? 


The one obvious reason for removing the third molars (wisdom teeth) is when there is not enough room for them in the mouth. One should know that the first and second molars already take place in your jaw, and there might not be space left for the third molars to sprout properly. Since they cannot emerge properly from the gums, either the third molars get trapped in the gums or get positioned at a pretty bad angle. Hence, they are removed to avoid any dental problems that might arise from them. 

Issues Emerging from Poorly Positioned Molar Teeth:

  • Tooth decay or infection.
  • Abscess
  • Food and bacteria, which gives rise to plaque, get trapped easily. 
  • Cysts and benign growths.
  • Limited space for cleaning in and around the teeth. 
  • The surrounding teeth may get damaged. 
  • You might lose bone around the roots of the teeth. 
  • Pericoronitis (tissue inflammation).

It’s worth noting that molars are also removed straight from inside the gums if the x-rays reveal that there is overcrowding in the mouth. 


Wisdom teeth


Signs and Symptoms to Realise The Need for Wisdom Teeth Extraction


While the above-mentioned points are some of the reasons why one might get their third molars removed, there are also signs that can also require wisdom tooth extraction.

You should think about wisdom teeth extraction, if:

  • You aren’t sure the region of the pain, yet the mouth feels tender and sore. 
  • There are consistent ear aches or headaches, but you are unaware of the reason. 
  • The surrounding teeth experience fractures, pain and discomfort. 
  • You are experiencing pain, swelling and inflammation in the gums. 
  • Bad breath is incurred by infection and inflammation. 
  • The other teeth start to shift due to overcrowding. 


The Right Age to Remove Wisdom Teeth


The first thing that you must know about extraction is that wisdom teeth removal is not necessary, especially if you aren’t feeling any inconvenience or discomfort. Now, usually, the (lower) third molars or wisdom teeth sprout between the ages of 18 and 25. And if x-rays and consultations recommend the removal of molars, then consider not delaying the procedure since you may be initiating complications in the future. However, you can always get a second opinion before going with the extraction procedure.


Can You Delay Your Wisdom Tooth Surgery?


Delaying your wisdom teeth extraction surgery can be risky, given the situation of your third molars. Also, understand that removal of the wisdom tooth in the older patients or during old age can result in greater bone removal than it could have been in younger patients. The extraction of third molars from young patients depicts a low chance of postoperative complications when the same postoperative problems can be higher in older patients. 


What Happens When The Third Molars aren’t Removed?


Wisdom teeth or the third molars can be removed for varied reasons, but the professionals also want you to be familiar with the dental problems you might come across in case you delay the removal of wisdom teeth. 


Wisdom teeth get impacted.


The impacted wisdom teeth can be quite painful when they are trapped below your gum. This impact on wisdom teeth may result in abscesses and infection. And the same impaction can lead to resorption or decay of your healthy teeth. The growth of your wisdom teeth can shift parallel to the jawline or may shift backwards if not maintained properly, which can later commence issues with the opening and closing of the jaw. 


Commencement of overcrowding.


Overcrowding happens when your teeth and initial molars do not allow room for the third molar to emerge properly. And therefore, when they emerge, overcrowding takes place. Overcrowding results in the shift of your teeth or overlapping of them. 


Greater potential for decay. 


The risk of decay initiates even if your wisdom tooth is growing properly but not correctly located to effectively take care of it. This can give rise to decay and result in pain and swelling in the back of the jaw. You can always take assistance from an x-ray to determine the extent and direction of the wisdom teeth’s growth. 


What to Expect Post Wisdom Tooth Removal?


It is highly recommended that the patient takes a week off from their workspace or school and varied other activities to recover effectively and completely. Note that there will be some bleeding, swelling and discomfort post the extraction procedure since your mouth and body will be working on your gums to heal the damaged tissues. 

While the recovery usually takes a week and the swelling and bleeding are normal, consider visiting your dentist in case the post effects are excessive or last longer than a week. Again, the recovery period can take longer than a week to heal in case of complex cases. 

The removal of wisdom teeth comes with certain complications that can result in infections or dry sockets. However, with the touch of professionalism and certain post-extraction tips, such as gently rinsing the mouth with saline water, avoiding smoking and consuming soft foods, etc., you can avoid these complications. 

Contact us today to engage with our knowledgeable and experienced team while taking assistance of high-quality yet affordable dental care

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