How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush


17 May 2022

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Someone said, “You don’t have to brush all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.”

And growing up, we learnt that brushing your teeth twice a day keeps your mouth clean and germ and plaque-free. What you probably wouldn’t have heard about is the lifespan of a toothbrush. 

Now, there is always a time to replace your toothbrush with a new one, since using the same toothbrush for a long time can affect your dental health and spread infection. The toothbrush also loses its efficiency over time. 

But what is the correct time to change your toothbrush? 

Equally important, how often should you change your toothbrush?

Keep reading to find out!


When And How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?


Your toothbrush is always at the forefront of oral health, which assists you in keeping not just your teeth clean but also your mouth and whole body healthy. 

If you follow the recommendation of The Australian Dental Association of brushing two times per day, for 2 minutes each time, then you are succeeding in getting rid of old food and bacteria that collects on the surface of your teeth every day. 

However, with proper tooth brushing basics, in 3 to 4 months,

  • The bristles of your toothbrush start to fall out. 
  • The bristles of the toothbrush may get mangled or twisted, or spread apart.

And when you notice a toothbrush with worn-out bristles, it’s time for them to be dumped in a trashcan. A worn-out toothbrush loses its stiffness and efficiency to remove bacteria in the mouth.

Hence, The Australian Dental Association also advises replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or when you notice that it is getting worn out.


When Should You Replace An Electric Toothbrush Head?


Electric toothbrushes help you in cleaning the surface area of your teeth by vibrating and rotating its head. Though electric toothbrushes are preferred more than a manual toothbrush due to their efficiency in better cleaning, they are also recommended to be replaced more often than a traditional toothbrush. 

An electric toothbrush’s head includes nylon bristles that are shorter and can be worn after regular use. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the head of your electric toothbrush after 12 weeks (3 months) or earlier if you notice the bristles are not in their best condition. 


Notice Other Red Flag To Change Your Toothbrush


There are several other reasons to determine if you should replace your toothbrush:

  • Viral or any bacterial infection is a good reason to switch from your old toothbrush to a new one, especially in case of strep throat.
  • In case someone uses your toothbrush by mistake, it’s better to replace it than harbouring unwanted bacteria in your toothbrush or mouth. 
  • If someone or everyone has been sick in your house, replace the toothbrushes to prevent any viral infections. 
  • You might need to replace the toothbrushes of your toddler more often than every 3 to 4 months since they may chew or gnaw their toothbrush. 


Take Care Of Your Toothbrush To Last Them Longer


Consider taking care of your toothbrush by following the below instructions to make the most out of it:

  • Avoid keeping your toothbrush in a way that results in coming in contact with the head of another toothbrush. This can lead the germs or bacteria to spread to everyone in a household.
  • Try not to share your toothbrush, not even with your immediate family.
  • Rinse your toothbrush with tap water properly after every use. Don’t try to sanitise it using hot water or mouthwash because it will only spread more germs. 
  • Avoid storing your toothbrush in a closed container since it becomes an ideal space for mould growth. And in an attempt to prevent bacteria, you would be actually creating an ideal environment to encourage the spread of bacteria.


Are There Any Risks In Using A Toothbrush Beyond Its Recommended Lifespan?


With every use, the bristles of your toothbrush come across water and chemicals from your toothpaste. While they help you achieve oral hygiene, they also lose their effectiveness over time. 

And no one would want to continue using a toothbrush with weaker bristles that are unable to clear the plaque buildup. To ensure that you prevent gum disease and tooth decay, it’s better to replace your toothbrush as recommended by The Australian Dental Association. 

A toothbrush is an oral hygiene tool that keeps your mouth healthy and, in return, also keeps your overall health in check. Hence, taking care of your toothbrush is as crucial as you would do for any of your personal grooming tools. Note that maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is all the more important to enhance your teeth’s functionality, durability, and visibility. And the right dental tools include the use of a good toothbrush, dental floss and fluoride toothpaste. 

Also, ensure to visit your dentist every six months for regular checkups and routine dental cleaning. 

Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care brings an all-in-one approach to you and your family’s oral health needs. With our knowledge and expertise in dental care, we are dedicated to providing you with affordable and high-quality dental care that you can trust. We offer a wide range of dental treatments, from routine exams and cleaning, children’s dentistry to emergency dental care for a healthier smile.

Contact us at (02) 8320 0548 to book an appointment and enjoy our affordable dental care services along with our ongoing special offers since our sole purpose is to save you both money and additional stress.

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