Dental Deep Cleaning – Is It Good Or Bad

Regular brushing of teeth is a part of your everyday life. Keeping your teeth clean and following good dental hygiene can lead you to a healthy mouth and overall body.

Routine dental cleaning is yet another method of preventing germs and bacteria that should take place twice a year and be carried out by your reliable dentist.

Now, the six most important yet common questions that we have come across from Australians are,

i) What is deep teeth cleaning?
ii) Is dental cleaning good or bad?
iii) Is it necessary to get a deep cleaning at the dentist?
iv) How long does a dental cleaning take?
v) Is the procedure painful?
vi) What is the procedure of a dental cleaning?

Let’s start with the first question and understand the anatomy of deep cleaning in the most simple way.


Dental cleaning


What is deep teeth cleaning?


When leftover food particles or food debris mix with saliva, it leads to becoming a sticky film along with bacteria that forms on teeth and collectively known as plaque.

While brushing can assist you in removing plaque that collects on your teeth daily, this method of cleaning is not enough to prevent plaque build-up that hardens over time and forms tartar.

Deep dental cleaning is typically performed by a dentist who uses varied dental treatments to clean your teeth and check them for potential oral problems such as,

  • Receding gums
  • Periodontitis
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Cavities
  • Oral cancer, among other dental problems.


Is dental cleaning good or bad?


To answer this question, first, we need to take a look at the benefits of dental cleaning.

A deep dental cleaning can:

  • Prevent bad breath caused by gum disease.
  • Impede the advancement of gum disease.
  • Protect the roots of your teeth.
  • Assist you in the cleansing of your teeth above and below the gumline.
  • Treat your current infection.

However, in the absence of a good dentist or dental professional, you may end up with

  • nerve damage
  • possible infection post
  • dental cleaning
  • pain and sensitivity, or
  • receding gums

Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care can be your ideal choice for dental cleanings and exams where you get the assistance of professionals and experts in the dental field while obtaining the opportunity to know about any potential gum disease that could pose a serious threat to your mouth in the near future.

So, you tell us, is dental cleaning good or bad?


Is it necessary to get a deep cleaning at the dentist?


Brushing, flossing, and (fluoride) mouthwash is a daily task we all implement for our oral hygiene. However, even regular brushing of teeth cannot reach the build-up bacteria between your teeth and gums, which can also result in cavities and discolouration.

The method of deep cleaning comes with varied dental treatments, including different instruments and effective techniques that remove plaque and bacteria below the gums while preventing bone loss.

Since the methods and techniques of dental cleaning are quite comprehensive, an expert (dentist) in the dental field is definitely necessary to carry out this procedure.


How long does a dental cleaning take?


Usually, a dental cleaning takes up to an hour, but the time frame may vary or exceed depending on additional treatments and tests required. From a physical check-up, x-ray to examining your mouth and accessing your need for fluoride, the process may take up some time, but it’s worth knowing if your mouth is healthy or not.


Is the procedure painful?


The sensitivity of teeth varies from person to person. While some of you might not feel any discomfort during the procedure of cleaning, a few others may require additional assistance due to their high sensitivity.

Our Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care team believes in utmost customer care, and therefore, we also provide a local anaesthetic to numb your gums.


What is the procedure of a dental cleaning?


Here, at Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care, deep cleaning of teeth undergoes the following stages:

  • A physical exam to evaluate your overall health and oral hygiene.
  • X-ray to examine the current situation underneath your teeth and gums surface.
  • Removal of build-up bacteria and deposits on your teeth using different instruments.
  • Scraping off hard build-ups.
  • Examine your teeth and mouth for cavities.
  • Flossing your teeth and assessing your requirement for fluoride.

Note that your teeth and gums might feel a bit sensitive after the procedure, but you can follow some of the below-mentioned care instructions to acquire some relief.

  • Avoid extremely hot or cold foods and drinks.
  • Eat soft foods such as yoghurt or mashed potatoes to reduce sensitivity.
  • Consider using a soft bristle toothbrush.
  • Follow the standard rule of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day to promote healing.

Now you know why deep dental cleaning is essential and what it involves if you decide to book an appointment for routine dental cleaning and exams.

Get in touch with our Rouse Hill Smiles team to acquire affordable dental care services for you and your family.