Earlier, when people used to lose teeth at some age, there was no acceptable solution to this problem. Luckily, nowadays, advanced dental technology gives us various choices that are easy to wear and gives us an incredible look. With people losing grown-up teeth, dentures are a great choice. They are the most affordable way when you are missing some teeth and you want to adopt healthy oral hygiene.
This article will take you through the most basic routine options considered while cleaning your denture. As some of you may know, dentures can also start to stain just like natural teeth over time. This can also increase oral bone structure to perish, which happens when you lose teeth.
Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care is here with some tips that will help you whiten your dentures and keep them stain-free:
Hydrogen peroxide is a brightening agent that contains strong teeth whitening properties and is available at most of the nearby grocery stores. It can be safely used to clean dentures and your regular teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is especially viable at eliminating stains and plaque.
To clean the denture, take them out and apply hydrogen peroxide directly to it. Use a toothbrush to tenderly clean the surface and the stains that may have appeared on the denture. You can clearly see positive results on your teeth or the denture after the use of hydrogen peroxide. Just ensure that you are absolutely delicate while cleaning as hydrogen peroxide is rough in texture, and rubbing the dentures with hard touch can damage them. Hydrogen peroxide is the best product to remove any stains on the prosthetic.
Denture bleach is very much different in all ways than regular bleach, which can end up harming your teeth. To brighten dentures, mix a teaspoon of the specific bleach in a glass of water and soak them for around 15 to 20 minutes in the solution. Take out the denture and delicately brush it with a toothbrush.
The bleaching agents present in such products are specifically designed for dentures and usually can be bought from nearby grocery stores.
Despite all the different opinions about the use of bleach on teeth, it is safe to say that bleach is essentially as adequate as any other denture-cleansing product. The bleach to water proportion ought to be 1:10. But for the best outcomes, you should use a 1:10 ratio of bleach and water and add a teaspoon of calcium-chelating cleanser, like Calgon, to the proportion. Assuming you use a stronger proportion, don’t let the denture sit for more than a few minutes.
Note: Don’t use bleach frequently since such compositions can weaken the denture and change its colour. Try not to soak dentures with metal contacts that contain chlorine since it can discolour and rust the metal.
Baking soda is another most loved home-based solution for cleaning the denture. It tends to be used to brighten dentures and normal teeth. They are always available in the neighbouring supermarkets.
Baking soda can be used to eliminate any odours from dentures. You can use the baking soda by taking two tablespoons of it in a glass and mixing it in a couple of drops of water to dissolve the powder. Put your dentures in this solution and add sufficient hydrogen peroxide to soak the denture completely in it. Let them rest in the solution overnight then clean them with normal tap water the following day.
Baking soda is a typical household product, with its accessibility, security, and bactericidal property making, it is a user-friendly denture cleaning homemade product.
It is also one of the elements of toothpaste and chewing gum, which are being used all the time by everyone without facing any side effects.
Another thing many people are likely to have is white vinegar in their pantry. It is a distinct sanitiser that cleans and kills any microbes in the denture.
Vinegar is one such material used to clean dentures that eliminate the biofilm and kill microscopic organisms. A solution of vinegar and water can be used as a cleaning agent and will make your dentures more white than most denture cleaning compounds nowadays present in the market.
To make this natural solution at home:
There is no need to dilute the vinegar. Simply just fill the cup with it, soak the dentures for the above-mentioned duration and clean them with a toothbrush to eliminate all the extra particles. After you are finished soaking your denture, discard the solution. Don’t re-use the vinegar solution as it currently contains debris.
Note: Use only white vinegar for your denture. Cooking or flavoured vinegar can drive the flavour to your dentures, making a terrible taste.
Salt is the most powerful thing that can be used for denture care which is always there in our kitchens.
There are two methods for cleaning dentures using salt-
The first is to just dab a wet toothbrush in salt, then delicately use the toothbrush to clean the denture. Another method is to soak the dentures overnight to clean and sanitise them, and this can be done by taking a glass filled with water, adding a tablespoon of salt, mixing the solution well and putting the denture in it.
Ensure that you wash the denture with cold water to remove any leftover debris after using any of the above-mentioned methods.
Note: Salt acts as a surface scratching element, which can make teeth look more white. However, it can also harm your tooth enamel if used excessively.
Cleaning dentures using the above mentioned tips will guarantee your oral space to be more white, clean, and healthy. But, alongside these tips, ensure you additionally schedule regular dental checkup appointments for at least twice a year.
You can contact Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care Clinic for more information on how to clean dentures.
Dr. Teena and the Rouse Hill Smiles team are dedicated to providing patients of all ages with the highest quality of care.